RD Multi-Family Housing Announces Stakeholder Listening Session on Proposed Simple Transfer Pilot Program

Multi-Family Housing (MFH) is developing a pilot program for simple transfers under authority in Section 506(b) of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. §1476(b)). The purpose of the pilot program is to reduce application requirements for certain types of transfers, resulting in lower transaction-related costs for applicants and improved processing times. MFH…

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HUD Posts FAQs for Family Self-Sufficiency NOFO

On September 13, 2022, HUD’s Office of Housing send the following bulletin following up on the announcement made August 5, 2022: Dear Multifamily Owners and Program Operators,  The application period for funding under the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is currently open. For the first time, owners of properties participating in Project-Based…

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RD’s FY 2023 Proposed Budget Training Video Available

Rural Development’s Office of Multifamily Housing sent out the following information to stakeholders on September 12, 2022: The Agency’s mission is to support and maintain quality affordable housing for tenants across the portfolio.  As you prepare upcoming 2023 annual proposed budgets, we wish to partner with you to ensure your Rural Development properties have access…

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RD Announces New Calculation for Section 538’s Lease-up Reserve

Rural Development’s Office of Multifamily Housing released the following information: On September 6, 2022, Rural Development published a Notice in the Federal Register announcing a new calculation for the Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Lease-up Reserve. Agency regulations require the project to either attain a minimum level of acceptable occupancy of 90% for 90…

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HUD Issues Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program and Other Programs Fiscal Year 2023

CARH’S BROADCAST E-MAIL – Regulatory Update The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a Notice in today’s Federal Register on the Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program, and Other Programs Fiscal Year 2023. Fair Market Rents (FMRs) are an estimate of the amount of…

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Announcements from Rural Development’s Office of Multifamily Housing Production & Preservation Division

Rural Development’s Office of Multifamily Housing Production & Preservation Division sent out the following announcements:   Hello Industry Partners! I hope you are enjoying your summer.  I am delighted to share with you the latest program announcements and priority initiatives in RD’s Office of Multifamily Housing, Production & Preservation (P2) Division. Tenant Selection Plans &…

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RD Issues Unnumbered Letter on Reserve Deposit Resizing  

CARH’S BROADCAST E-MAIL – Regulatory Update This week, Rural Development (RD) published a July 24, 2022, Unnumbered Letter (UL) entitled, “Section 515 and Section 514 Multi-Family Housing Reserve Deposit Resizing.” The UL was issued to provide guidance to all Multifamily Housing (MFH) program staff regarding the resizing of the reserve account deposits as it pertains…

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FHA Revises Policy for Disbursement of Funds for Reserve for Replacement Accounts

On August 15, 2022, HUD’s Office of Housing sent the following information: Dear Multifamily Owners and Operators, The Office of Multifamily Housing recently published Housing Notice 2022-04/Mortgagee Letter 2022-12, introducing its new policy for delegating the process for approving borrowers’ requests for disbursement of funds from Reserve for Replacement (RfR) accounts to lenders. The Policy provides two options…

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