On September 20, 2024, HUD issued Notice 2024-9 entitled, Revised Compliance Date: Implementation of Sections 102 and 104 of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA)

The notice states, “Notice H 2023–10 established the date of January 1, 2025, by which Multifamily Housing (MFH) Owners must be in full compliance with the HOTMA final rule.1 The purpose of this Notice 2024–09 is to extend the compliance date to July 1, 2025.”


Below is the bulleting that HUD’s Office of Housing sent on September 24 on this subject:

Today, the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs (MFH) published Housing Notice H 2024-09, which extends the date that Owners must be fully compliant with Sections 102 and 104 of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) to July 1, 2025. MFH will soon release a series of FAQs to address stakeholder questions that have been submitted to MFH_HOTMA@hud.gov. These FAQs will be updated as needed in response to additional questions.

In addition, MFH will publish a series of forms, including the 50059 and Model Leases that have been revised to reflect HOTMA requirements, to the Drafting Table. The public will have an opportunity to review and comment on these forms before they are finalized for use.

Please continue to submit your questions to MFH_HOTMA@hud.gov.