CARH members are builders, owners, developers, managers, non-profits, housing authorities, syndicators, accountants, architects, attorneys, bankers, and companies that supply goods and services to the industry. We provide a unified voice for all of these professionals to Congress, administrations, and government agencies. Hundreds of professionals in more than 45 states rely on CARH to provide them with superior legislative representation. Join your voice with ours! Join CARH today!
Remember to also subscribe to CARH’s Electronic AN Express, which provides you (and up to four additional colleagues within your company) with Federal Register excerpts from RD, HUD, Treasury, IRS, and other federal agencies; RD Administrative and Procedural Notices, RD Unnumbered Letters, HUD Notices, HUD data sets such as Income Limits and Difficult Development areas; stakeholder announcements, and much more, emailed to you when published. The cost for this electronic subscription is $275 per year. Select the Electronic AN Express add-on box when you select the “Click Here to Join” button below.
Basic Membership –
for management companies, owners, developers, syndicators with property ownership, and non-profits who manage or own rural housing. One of three options available:
BASIC - $1,100
- Subscription to CARH News
- Bound Membership Directory, updated yearly
- Up-to-the-minute Broadcast Email alerts
- Participation in Preferred Buyers Program
- Discounts on CARH meetings, seminars, and training
- Voting rights
- Access to members only section of CARH website
- Logo usage
- Access to CARH National Staff
BASIC PLUS - $2,150
- Benefits of Basic Membership, plus…
- Further reduced meeting rates
- Special listing in Membership Directory and on CARH website
- Benefits of Basic and Basic Plus Membership, plus…
- Full-page colored advertisement in four issues of CARH News each year
- One free registration and an exhibitors table at each of CARH’s National meetings, additional registrations further discounted
- Special meetings to discuss industry trends and to help shape CARH’s legislative priorities
- Opportunity to have photos of properties (built, designed, developed, invested in, managed, or owned) displayed on CARH’s website.
Associate Membership –
for accountants, architects, attorneys, equity financiers, lenders, syndicators, computer/software vendors, market analysts, inspectors, trainers, and other companies that provide goods or services to the rural housing industry.
ASSOCIATE - $1,100
- Subscription to CARH News
- Bound Membership Directory, updated yearly
- Up-to-the-minute Broadcast Email alerts
- Participation in Preferred Buyers Program
- Discounts on CARH meetings, seminars, and training
- Voting rights
- Access to members only section of CARH website
- Logo usage
- Access to CARH National Staff
- One free registration and an exhibitors table at each of CARH’s National meetings, additional registrations further discounted
- Full-page colored advertisement in three issues of CARH News each year
- Special listing in Membership Directory and on CARH website
- Company description and link to your website on CARH’s online vendor directory
- Benefits of Associate and Associate Plus Membership, plus…
- One additional full-page colored advertisement in CARH News each year (four total)
- Further reduced meeting rates
- Special meetings to discuss industry trends and to help shape CARH’s legislative priorities
- Opportunity to have photos of properties (built, designed, developed, invested in, managed, or owned) displayed on CARH’s website.
To pay by check, download the appropriate application:
- National Direct Membership Application (PDF) to join as a Basic, Basic Plus, Associate, Associate Plus or Advisory Trustee Member
- State Affiliated Membership Application (PDF) to join as a Basic Member through a CARH State Affiliated Association
MAIL CHECKS TO: CARH, 116 S. Fayette St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Note: 60% of CARH membership dues are tax deductible (40% fund CARH’s legislative efforts). No portion of the property training and education fees paid by the properties you own or manage are allocated toward CARH’s lobbying efforts. We suggest you consult with your tax advisor to confirm the deductibility with regards to your tax situation.
CARH members and applicants for CARH membership are required to abide by CARH’s Code of Ethics. Click here to view the Code of Ethics.
Click here to see a list of CARH’s State Affiliated Associations!
Click here to learn more about the important benefits and services that CARH provides to its members!
“CARH is effective and has, over the years, been successful at keeping affordable
housing issues in the discussions on [Capitol] Hill.”
CARH Member